Friday, October 29, 2010

Just One of Those Days

I wish I could say that today went as planned. I wish I could say that we had a lovely family dinner with grandparents, that Peanut had his family birthday party in honor of his upcoming 6th birthday. I wish I could say that Peanut got to eat the cake with his picture on it, that he and Little Bear got to play "Smash the Pinata". I wish I could say that the day went great, but I can't.

Hello, black cloud. I was wondering where you had been hiding.

Tonight went nothing as planned. Seriously, it has been one of those "If it can go wrong, then it will go wrong" sort of days.

Just to give you an idea...

3:00 AM - Peanut wakes up asking for a towel. Thinking he must have had an accident, I asked if he wet the bed. The unexpected answer. No, he felt like he was going to throw up.

3:30-is AM - Peanut did not throw up and went back to sleep.

8AM - Mom and I get up only to realize that the power is out. This sets us behind in getting ready for the day's activities.

10:30-ish AM - I wake Peanut up to see how he feels. He says he feels okay but wants to stay snuggled up in his favorite spot all morning. (His favorite spot? Snuggled up amid pillows and blankets and pillows on the old church pew at the end of my bed, the perfect place to play, watch TV or look out my front window.) He is not bubbly, chatty or bouncy. Not a normal little Peanut.

12 PM: Peanut is still not acting like his normal, bubbly little self and is complaining that his tummy hurts.

12:30 PM - Have you seen "The Exorcist"? I have not because I do not like those types of movies, but I have seen a few clips here and there. One clip that has always stayed in my mind was the projectile vomiting scene. Today, I guess in honor of it being Halloween weekend, Peanut involuntarily decided re-enact that scene. Seriously. Projectile vomiting ALL OVER my brand new bedroom carpet, my area rug, his bedding, the hallway and the bathroom. Not fun. Not anywhere near pleasant. But the most heartbreaking pathetic part? Peanut, standing half draped over the toilet crying, "Am I ever going to be okay?!?!? I didn't know it would end like this..." Poor baby boy, my sweet poor baby brother.

1:30 PM - A brief nap later, Peanut is sick again. And let's just say that his new Frankenstein trick-or-treat bucket will not be used for candy. Ever. This time he asked if he was dying. When I told him no, that he just had a tummy bug, he seemed slightly relieved. But, in full Peanut fashion, he interpreted this to mean something a bit different than what I meant. "You know, you're right," he told me. "When I got up to find you last night, I did see a bug flying around. He must have bit me on my tummy. Right?"

Seriously, child, even when you are sick, you bring an amazing perspective to my life.

For the remainder of the day, Peanut has slept.

No family dinner. No birthday cake or presents. No "Smash the Pinata". Just one very sick, very sad and disappointed little boy.

Nope. Today has not gone as planned. And as it nears midnight, I wish I could say that Peanut was feeling remarkably better. And for a few hours, he was feeling just a little bit better. Unfortunately, 2 Jell-O's, a Coke-Cola and half a Twinkie later, Peanut is sick again. So, keep him in your prayers. As disappointed as he is about missing this evening's activities, he will be even more so if he has to miss racing "Fancy Blue" in the derby car race tomorrow, his re-scheduled party tomorrow night and if he has to miss trick-or-treating over the next two nights.

Yep, it has been just one of those days. And let's just hope tomorrow isn't like today.

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