Monday, October 25, 2010

A New Entry: Playing a Game of Catch-Up

Let me just say that I do not like playing the catch-up game. I hate when I fall behind on something and have to try and get it caught up. It bugs me to no end to know that something has been left undone. For example, this blog.

I started this blog with the sincerest intention of updating at least once a week, of regularly recording the lovely and not-so-lovely little details that God places in my path. But life happens. External hard drives crash and 1000's or 100,000's of photos and documents must be pulled from CD's and loaded onto the new external drive. There are errands to run and the local construction means that driving just about anywhere takes almost twice as long. Projects don't turn out the way I had hope and require more of my attention than I anticipated they would. Having precious five-year-old fingers around means that, inadvertently, juice cups will accidentally get turned over, clothing will need changed and the floor will need mopping. Visiting with neighbors, impromptu football games in the front yard with Little Bear and Peanut, baking cookies, carving pumpkins, making a new header and background for this blog, so many precious details of life that keep me so busy... and remind me that I am so blessed. But I want share the sweet blessings that this past month has held for me and for our family.

(Just click on the pictures to enlarge them)
September 2010

My Birthday
I am simply referring to it as Number 26. Because, to be honest, I stopped liking birthdays when I turned 10. However, around the age of 21, I decided to stop viewing birthdays as a reminder of being a whole year older, and I now look at them as a day to celebrate having been blessed with another year of life with those I love. Plus, I kinda figure, if you can't change it, you might as well enjoy it. So, I choose joy.

Me and Peanut goofing around before my party. We are SO silly!
My yummy birthday cake in full fall colors. Have I mentioned that I am so happy to have a autumn birthday?

This was one of the gifts Peanut picked out just for me. I don't like to encourage envy or jealousy, but...  be jealous. :-)

This was another gift from Peanut, with a precious story behind. About 2-3 weeks before my birthday, Peanut and I were watching TV when a commercial came on for this doll. He ran over to me as fast as he could and, with his little hands, covered my eyes. He proceeded to tell me not to look at the commercial because that was what he was getting me for my birthday and he wanted it to be a surprise. This scenario happened anytime we saw the commercial on TV, online or when we went through the toy section at a store. Boy, was I SO surprised when I opened the gift that Peanut was so excited to give me. Or at least I told him I was.  Silly boy... I love you!

Family Reunion
In addition to my birthday, September also means family reunion time with mom's side of the family. It is a love-dislike kinda thing for me. I love getting to see the family I do know, but I dislike spending an entire day with so many people I am sure I am related to but do not remotely know. And it is hard to see the faces that are missing... Grandpa, of course, is one face I still (after nearly 12 years) have not gotten used to not being around. Great-Grandma Jones left us three months before her 103rd birthday in 2003, Great Aunt Dessie's husband, Charles, is gone, as is Great Aunt Mable and Great Uncle Charles, and dear Great-Uncle James. Great Aunt Dessie wasn't able to come down from Indiana and Great Uncle Paul-Wayne didn't appear to be in very good health, so it was a bit of a sad reunion. I love my extended family, especially the Greats. The best way that I could think to describe them would be to say that they are sweet, unique, history-filled pillars of Christianity.
Feeding the Ducks
September evenings have often found us up at the nearby pond feeding the friendly little ducks and the significantly less friendly geese. There are five ducks inparticular that we grown quite fond of: Mama and Papa, the Twins and Aflac. They, of all the ducks, are the most friendly, eager to chow down on the food we bring and willing to let us pet them. However, I found out the hard way that wearing flip-flops and painted toe nails to feed the ducks rainbow-colored fish crackers is not advisable. Toes will get nipped.

What does September mean? Why, football of course! And (yay!) both boys were eligable to play Upwards Flag Football this year at Third Baptist Church. Dressed in Greenbay Packers colors, the boys kicked off the football season early in the month and had a blast! The boys love the athletic and social aspect of the game, but, personally, I love the Christ-centered atmosphere and attitude that the program promotes. I also love the fact that during each practice and game, a segment of time is set aside for devotions and prayer. Little Bear adored Mr. Bill and Mr. Riley as his coaches and Peanut found a new best buddie in C----n. Little Bear was number 49 on the Ravens and Peanut was number 4 on the Panthers (which, for some reason, he thought was a hairless cat.) One of the most hillarious moments of the season, (and with a five-year-old who really doesn't quite know what he is doing, there are LOTS of funny moments), was during devotional time during practice. I didn't catch all that Peanut's coach, Jeff, said except that involved having cows at his house. Well, about 30 minutes later, we get into the car and Peanut announces, "Guess what!!! My coach has COWS for sons!!!" Laughing at the concept, but thinking he'd mixed up what he meant to say, I asked him to repeat himself. "My coach has cows for sons! You know, he told us he raises them!" Death by laughter was, for me, a sincere possibility at that point.

Hunting and Fishing Days
We braved up and went to both days of the local Hunting and Fishing Days expo. The weather was pretty much perfect and cool (which was awesome considering the fact that most years, we usually roast and burn). The boys had a blast catching a few big fish and numerous tiny fish, getting their face or hand painted, seeing all the hunting and fishing gear, seeing the large grizzly bear (where Phoenix loudly announced in his most dead serious voice, "I've killed bigger bears that that!"), and having an altogether fun time.

A brief look at the fun we had at Hunting and Fishing Days!

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