Wednesday, November 17, 2010

Out With The Old and In With The Blue

It has been a rather slow, semi-death for my beloved little purple phone.

It started with an occasional glitch in sending and receiving text messages. Then, as time went by, it began to have an increasingly shorter battery life. Finally, this weekend, it decided to finally alert me of its ever-deteriorating state. Among other issues, it no longer held charge (as in, I would charge it overnight and then might  get a two or three minute conversation out of it before it completely died on me). Additionally, when trying to send a text message, my screen would come on and turn off repeatedly without allowing me to turn my phone off at all, resulting in having to completely remove the phone's battery to get it to stop. Eerily of all, it would turn completely off but then mange to repeatedly play my "Low Battery" ringtone in its seemingly lifeless state. Anyway, after two plus years with my faithful little phone, I had to say good-bye.

After a trip to Verizon, it was out with the old and in with the blue. A new, shiny, peacock blue Intensity II, that is.

Not necessarily the highest-tech, top-of-the line that is available, but it is pretty darn cute and I really like the set-up, flow and functionality of this phone. Best of all? It is dependable and NO DATA PACKAGE REQUIRED!!!

Yep, I pretty much love my new little phone.

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